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Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan (CRCP) holds a strong and diverse energy portfolio. Over the span of 15years, CRCP has carried out in-depth analyses of the numerous challenges faced by the evolving national energy sector. Aspects like policy and governance, regulators and regulations, sectors’ operational efficacy, circular debts and subsidies, monitoring and evaluation , compliance tracking and environmental issues were thoroughly covered. Invaluable experience of working with communities, regulators, service providers, government representatives, ministries and donor agencies was gained that strengthened CRCP’s expertise in the energy sector. CRCP efforts mainly aimed at creating environment of informed choices for all stakeholders.
The vast energy portfolio in its multiplicity encompasses interventions at the vertical and horizontal span of the national energy sector. CRCP had not only undertaken the critical analyses of the policies and processes involved in electricity and natural gas sectors governance through established indicators and best practices. But its research based advocacy initiatives are also designed to probe the extended institutional dynamics of governance that meticulously studies the interface between regulating bodies, service providers and consumers. In-depth analysis of roles and activities of key regulatory and standardization institutions like National Electric Power Regulation Authority (NEPRA), Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) and Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) were successfully carried out. Operational audits of Electricity Distribution Companies DISCOs were also conducted.
In these initiatives CRCP seeks improved energy sector through active stakeholder participation. All research findings are systematically structured for capacity building and training workshops. Individual initiatives are orchestrated into a procedural methodology that strives toward the envisioned change in policy by carrying out “Policy Dialogues” with representatives of both national and provincial legislatures.
All the related material, reports and brochures are widely disseminated and are also available at the CRCP resource center for social and policy sciences researchers, practitioners and consumers at large.
CRCP actively participates and advocates for protection of consumer interests in the area of electricity as well as natural gas provision and tariff determination at the respective regulator’s public hearings.