History at Glance

Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan (CRCP) is national research and advocacy organization registered under the Trust Act, 1882. Established in 1998, CRCP is an independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit organization. It has five core Program Areas, which are closely inter-linked and feed into each other. These include:

  • Research and Publications
  • Advocacy, Training and Mobilization
  • Governance and Legislative Affairs
  • Market and Corporate Practices
  • Complaints and Public Interest Litigation

Within these core program areas, CRCP focuses on various sectors, which includes consumer rights, education, environment, access to justice, energy, agriculture (horticulture, livestock and dairy), etc., essential and basic goods and services like water, edibles health, public utilities, institutional mechanisms for regulation, and legislative frameworks. CRCP is governed by a Board of Trustees (BOT). The Board is responsible for policy guideline and oversight of functions of the organization.

CRCP is one of the few organizations, which have been certified under Institutional Management Certification Program (IMCP). This certification is awarded to those NGOs, which meet the management standards of USAID.

Since its establishment, CRCP has managed various projects and programs, conducted large-scale surveys and baseline assessments, implemented nation-wide communication and advocacy campaigns, and implemented capacity building programs, which involved community engagement, skill enhancement and public advocacy. CRCP believes in evidence-based advocacy, therefore all the information and knowledge generated under different initiatives is disseminated among stakeholders. Our work has also focused on community engagement, skill development, and participation of youth, community, and parents in decision making processes. CRCP formed Youth Forum, Women Lead Groups, Working Group, and Children Groups and Higher Level School Councils to strengthen the participation and engagement of youth and women in decision making and accountability processes thus enhancing leadership, volunteerism, and community participation.

CRCP has satisfactory administrative and financial capacities to implement various assessment and surveys. Besides, CRCP has established internal checks and balances (including hierarchal concurrence) to maintain quality of the outputs to the satisfaction of the client. The organization has a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit comprising an M&E Specialist and Program Coordinator. The Unit meets frequently with project staff to review and evaluate the progress, and provide technical backstopping for incorporating evaluation findings in the implementation.