Campaign For Safe Drinking Water

CRCP believes that people have right to some basic services, and it is the state responsibility to provide them with these services without any discrimination. Under campaign for safe drinking water, CRCP has devised a comprehensive and coherent strategy to ensure the supply of safe drinking water to all the sections of society, particularly the poor and marginalized. The campaign addresses important and critical issues related to availability, accessibility, quality, consumption patterns and pricing.

In this regard, CRCP is engaged with Capital Development Authority (CDA) Islamabad, Water and Sanitation Authority (WASA) Rawalpindi, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad, Ministry of Science and Technology, and District Administration of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The consciousness about the safety and quality aspects of water has significantly increased but heavy investments are required to fix the problems. Besides safety and quality, CRCP raised several other issues related to water as well.

These included (i) confidentiality of rationing patterns by civic agencies and the concern that the same discriminate against the disadvantaged and the poor consumers / localities, (ii) question of access as many of the poor localities remain out of the civic water supply system and hence are forced to depend on unhygienic alternatives such as ground water or stream water. Under this campaign, CRCP has undertaken a variety of activities, which are discussed under the respective heads.